Description of
Welcome to fashion brand Goretti, which looks fresh and cheerful! Express your style and protect your eyes from the sun with our gorgeous Goretti glasses.
I don't know.
The new Gold Elegant Collection is available in 4 different colors: black, gray, coffee and blue.
Use these Goretti glasses to complement your seasonal look. Wherever you go, they will make you the focus of the spotlight. Including box!
Our advantages:
• UV400 protection 100% against UVA and UVB rays: our sunglasses are not only fashionable accessories, but also accessories related to visual health.
• Polarizing lens
• Glasses designed for men and women.
• Protect the lens from damage and scratches.
• Free delivery
Including: 1 pair of sunglasses+1 box+1 handkerchief cleaner.
2-year warranty.
- Gender:
- Place of Origin:
Zhejiang, China
- Brand Name:
- Model Number:
- Style:
Sports Sunglasses
- Lenses Material:
- Frame Material:
- Age:
- Lenses Optical Attribute:
- Frame Color:
- Certification:
CE, UV400, Drop Ball Test
- MOQ:
10 pcs
- Payment Term:
Trade Assourance, Western Union, T/T Bank Transfer
- Logo:
Custom Logo Print
- Hinge:
Metal Hinge
- Size:
Standard Size
- Delivery time:
3-7 Days
- Package:
shows in picture, if without packing please contact me, $0.5 less
- Function:
UV 400 Protection
- Product Name:
Mirror Sunglasses Polarized UV400 Italy Design Sun Glasse
Most of the women on the RepLadies forum buy imitation bags while being able to buy authentic bags: it’s a matter of pride and practicality. If they spent their fortune on original bags, they wouldn’t have that fortune.
They are primarily American women and half visit the forum daily. Most of them are white (50%), followed by Asians (36%). They are typically over 35 years old and have an annual income of between $100,000 and $200,000. Many of them own authentic bags, but they love imitations just as much and are not ashamed to own them. On the contrary, they feel a pang of pride knowing that they have bought at a bargain price an item that is barely distinguishable from an original that costs several thousand dollars. His favorite brands are Chanel, Louis Vuitton and Hermès.
These are the data produced by an internal survey carried out by the administrator of the Reddit RepLadies subforum , a digital space with more than 200,000 users created in 2016 that is, today, the largest forum for lovers of counterfeits that can be found in Internet. Within the forum, women compare good imitations with authentic products, review their recent purchases, post links to interesting products they have found while browsing the Internet, give each other purchase advice so as not to fall for scams, or even help each other to being able to communicate with Chinese sellers who don’t speak English.

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