Detailed Features:
Size - 32x13x26cm
(Length x Height x Width)
Design - for Lady or Man
Material - PU leather
Weight - 0.50kg
Description of
Welcome, we are committed to providing the best products, the most fashionable design and the most timely after-sales service. If you have any questions during the purchase process, please feel free to contact us.
Women's large capacity travel bag
Size: 29 * 23 * 12cm
Manually measure the product, the difference may be 1-3mm
1. Organized space:
It has three main spaces for storing books, tablets, wallets, folding umbrellas, keys, mobile phones, bank cards, etc.
2. Color: black, blue, brown, khaki
3. Waterproof material: high-quality, lightweight, waterproof, wear-resistant, easy to clean, breathable, environment-friendly artificial leather. I don't know.
Main problems:
1. Is it suitable for iPad? -Yes.
2. Is A4 paper suitable? No,
3. Is it waterproof? -Yes.
4. What color are they? Black, blue, brown, khaki
5. What delivery date? Send now!
Pay attention to purchase:
1. You must choose the product or model you really want, because once you accept the purchase operation. Because it is automatically shipped, it is not possible to change the color or model internally before shipment.
2. Our products are in a complete warehouse. If you are willing, you must purchase products of the correct size. The warehouse only sends the products you purchased.
3. If you want different products or sizes, just add a shopping cart and pay together
4. Confirm that your data is true and correct to avoid transportation problems. Welcome to Smart Pocket. We are committed to providing the best products, the most fashionable design and the most timely after-sales service. If you have any questions during the purchase process, please feel free to contact us.
Are Cheap Replica Bag From China Worth It?
They are worth it in the sense that they look cheap and are easily affordable. The replicas look the exact same with no differences and they are legitimate bag which will stand the test of the time. Why not get 1:1 bags replica with 1/10 of original price? Once you tried it you will fall in love with our replica handbags. To answer it simply, yes they are worth it.
Looking for replicas bags of top brands such as Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Prada, Dior and others? You are in the right place. Luxury bags from big brands are ridiculously expensive and in most of the cases, they are priced high only for their brand name and not necessarily the quality. So why pay $2000 for a bag, when you can get it for $100 or lesser? Most of the replica bags almost identical to the real designer, look the same, feel the same and have a similar craftsmanship.
Bag is the favorite of many women and is practical daily use. However, many people can not decide which bag to buy and always requires some thinking. Many women prefer to buy a classic replica bag that will never go out of date. It can be easily carried for many years and looks the same. So we here suggest you some classic replica bags, which you can buy and collect in the next few years…

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