Description of
100% protection against harmful UVA/UVB and UVC rays. The lenses of these sunglasses reduce the irritating reflection and glare caused by light reflected from surfaces such as water, roads, sand or snow.
The integrated nose pad is designed not to compress the bridge of the nose.
Made of TR90, a new material, fashionable polarized sunglasses are flexible, wear-resistant and durable. Light and elegant, not easy to break or bend, comfortable to wear. Suitable for all seasons and occasions.
Small and compact, with multiple protection functions, it is suitable for all ages who are passionate about fashion.
- Gender:
- Place of Origin:
Zhejiang, China
- Brand Name:
- Model Number:
- Style:
Fashion Sunglasses, Famous Brand
- Lenses Material:
- Frame Material:
- Age:
- Lenses Optical Attribute:
- Usage:
Protect Eyes
- Color:
- Package:
Opp Bag
- Delivery time:
7-10 Days
- Function:
100% UV 400 Protection
- Logo:
Custom Logo Print
- Quality:
- Shape:
Reviews are the most particular subgenre within this forum, since they have acquired their own language and are written following meticulous publication standards: they include information about the seller (name, telephone number or contact method and place where find), available payment method and timeline of the order (from when one of the buyers contacts the seller until they receive their purchase). The review also includes photos of the imitation bag and the original. And, finally, a brief analysis on the quality of the bag, the precision in the imitation and the satisfaction with the purchase. RepLadies is so popular that some sellers give them a discount: « I introduced myself, I mentioned RepLadiesand I received a 10% discount”, commented a user in a review about a fake Chanel. RepLadies also have their own glossary and acronym guide, where AE stands for AliExpress, ISO stands for In Search Of or MIF stands for Made In France, and of course Rep stands for Replica.
However, the women of the replicas not only use the forum in a practical way, but also share anecdotes and confessions. “What would you always (and never) buy authentic?” one user asked in a thread : “ I prefer authentic Celine bags because I think the quality of the leather is super luxurious compared to the imitations and I like to give myself a treat. whim from time to time, “explained the user. Celine’s cheapest bag costs around €2,000 while the most expensive, a crocodile skin bag with a gold chain, costs €18,000. «But cI think I will buy more imitation shoes in the future, since I have been very impressed with the ones I bought recently”, continues the same user, “I tend to wear out shoes very quickly, it is not worth spending money on authentic ones”. Another user responds that she would never buy imitations of “makeup, cosmetics or electronic products.” Many users agree on the topic of shoes: “I can’t keep my shoes in pristine condition, I’m not going to spend $700 on shoes.”

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